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Re: A Clarification !

Thanks a million for your prompt advice.



-----Original Message-----
From: Oommen Thomas <oommen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ilugc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ilugc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: A Clarification !

>On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, SHURAJIT GOPALAKRISHNAN wrote:
>SHURAJIT> Dear ILUG-Chennai Friends:
>SHURAJIT> Greetings to you all ! 
>SHURAJIT> Will you please clear the following doubts for me? 
>SHURAJIT> 1.  My system hard disk has two partitions - C and D.  I am
>SHURAJIT> running Windows
>SHURAJIT>       95 on my C drive.  The D drive is free.  Can I instal
>SHURAJIT> RedHat Linux 5.2 on
>SHURAJIT>       my D drive and make my system a dual booting one?  Is this
>SHURAJIT> possible? 
>SHURAJIT>       Can Windows 95 on C drive, and RedHat Linux 5.2 on D drive
>SHURAJIT> co-exist in
>SHURAJIT>       the same machine?  Will this work?  Please advise me how
>SHURAJIT> to go about it. 
>Will surely work, and this is how most people (including myself) have
>their home systems.
>You need to remove the 'D' partition (which apparently was created using
>DOS fdisk) first. Linux has an fdisk of its own, and this has to be used
>to create Linux partitions.
>As Win95 is already installed, install Linux and when specifying 'LILO'
>(Linux loader) settings, have two labels say 'win' (for the Non-Linux
>Win95 boot partition) and 'lin' (for the Linux boot partition). If you
>need to use Win95 as the default boot OS, that can be specified; else
>it will be Linux. At the 'Lilo boot:' prompt, giving the label will take
>you to the appropriate OS.
>SHURAJIT> 2.  I am now downloading the Free Personal Edition of Star
>SHURAJIT> Office 5.1 for
>SHURAJIT>       Linux.  I am going to use this purely for my personal
>SHURAJIT> purposes and I
>SHURAJIT>       understand that the noncommercial use of Star Office
>SHURAJIT> Personal Edition is
>SHURAJIT>       free of charge.  Will Star Office 5.1 Personal Edition run
>SHURAJIT> on RedHat
>SHURAJIT>       Linux 5.2 ? 
>SHURAJIT> I thank you in anticipation and look forward to hearing from you
>SHURAJIT> soon. 
>SHURAJIT> Best Regards,
>SHURAJIT> Shurajit
>Regards,                                              Imagine Technologies
>Oommen                                           16, Shaffee Mohammed Road
>                              Rutland Gate
>eMail: oommen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    Chennai 600 006 
>       oommen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx      INDIA
>       Voice: 91-44-8293565/66,8211733
>                                            Fax : 91-44-8225341   
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