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Re: A Clarification !

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, SHURAJIT GOPALAKRISHNAN wrote:

SHURAJIT> Dear ILUG-Chennai Friends:
SHURAJIT> Greetings to you all ! 
SHURAJIT> Will you please clear the following doubts for me? 
SHURAJIT> 1.  My system hard disk has two partitions - C and D.  I am
SHURAJIT> running Windows
SHURAJIT>       95 on my C drive.  The D drive is free.  Can I instal
SHURAJIT> RedHat Linux 5.2 on
SHURAJIT>       my D drive and make my system a dual booting one?  Is this
SHURAJIT> possible? 
SHURAJIT>       Can Windows 95 on C drive, and RedHat Linux 5.2 on D drive
SHURAJIT> co-exist in
SHURAJIT>       the same machine?  Will this work?  Please advise me how
SHURAJIT> to go about it. 

Will surely work, and this is how most people (including myself) have
their home systems.

You need to remove the 'D' partition (which apparently was created using
DOS fdisk) first. Linux has an fdisk of its own, and this has to be used
to create Linux partitions.

As Win95 is already installed, install Linux and when specifying 'LILO'
(Linux loader) settings, have two labels say 'win' (for the Non-Linux
Win95 boot partition) and 'lin' (for the Linux boot partition). If you
need to use Win95 as the default boot OS, that can be specified; else
it will be Linux. At the 'Lilo boot:' prompt, giving the label will take
you to the appropriate OS.

SHURAJIT> 2.  I am now downloading the Free Personal Edition of Star
SHURAJIT> Office 5.1 for
SHURAJIT>       Linux.  I am going to use this purely for my personal
SHURAJIT> purposes and I
SHURAJIT>       understand that the noncommercial use of Star Office
SHURAJIT> Personal Edition is
SHURAJIT>       free of charge.  Will Star Office 5.1 Personal Edition run
SHURAJIT>       Linux 5.2 ? 


SHURAJIT> I thank you in anticipation and look forward to hearing from you
SHURAJIT> soon. 
SHURAJIT> Best Regards,
SHURAJIT> Shurajit

Regards,                                              Imagine Technologies
Oommen                                           16, Shaffee Mohammed Road
   				      	       	              Rutland Gate
eMail: oommen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx			   Chennai 600 006 
       oommen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 					     INDIA
	   				   Voice: 91-44-8293565/66,8211733
                                            Fax : 91-44-8225341   	
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