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RE: Problem in calling err_sys procedure,
if you feel too lazy to implement arvind devarajan's solution, replace
"err_sys" by "perror".
#define err_sys perror
#-----Original Message-----
#From: Syed Khaleelulla [mailto:Syed.Khaleelulla@xxxxxxxxx]
#Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:46 AM
#To: linux-india-programmers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#Subject: Re: [LIP] Problem in calling err_sys procedure,
#I think the "err_sys" is a private procedure that has been written.
#You can use the perror or strerror function, insted of that procedure.
#See man perror & man strerror for more detail.
#Syed Khaleelulla.
#On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Ashish wrote:
#+I have just started to learn network programming.
#+I tried to run a c program from Stevens book on network
#+The program is
#+ int pipefd[2], n ;
#+ char buff[100] ;
#+ if( pipe(pipefd) < 0)
#+ err_sys("pipe erroe");
#+ printf("read fd = %d, write fd = %d\n", pipefd[0], pipefd[1]);
#+ if(write(pipefd[1], "hello world",12) != 12)
#+ err_sys("write error");
#+ if( (n = read(pipefd[0], buff ,sizeof(buff))) <= 0 )
#+ err_sys("read error");
#+ write(1, buff, n);
#+ exit(0);
#+Its giving error as follows:
#+/tmp/cc6q5fia.o: In function `main':
#+/tmp/cc6q5fia.o(.text+0x1e): undefined reference to `err_sys'
#+/tmp/cc6q5fia.o(.text+0x5a): undefined reference to `err_sys'
#+/tmp/cc6q5fia.o(.text+0x84): undefined reference to `err_sys'
#+collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
#+I am compiling on linux. Is there any header file I am not including?
#+Please let me know what's the problem
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