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Re: [LI] Interesting error on unix >> Perfection of Solar calender Over TIME <<

Sorry for the off-topic post, fellows. I will not continue this thread

C Hanish Menon forced the electrons to say:
> It as to do with how the concept of years came into being and got perfected.
> (Well almost). When the Sun based year calculation was made the basis
> by Julius Caeser (I suppose) it was thought that it takes 356 days
> for 1 year. 

Even after assuming you meant 365 here, there are some factual mistakes.

First, Good Ol' Julius (to quote a not so fat man from a little gaulish
village) knew that one year had 365 1/4 days. He had designed his calendar
accordingly (every fourth year a leap year). What he forgot to take into
account was that one year is 365.23 days approximately. So the difference of
about 0.02 days in one year added up so badly that it came to 11 days in 1752.

Pope Gregory (II, I think) devised his calendar with a leap year every 4 four
year, but skipping one every hundred years, but skipping this skip every four
hundred years...


#include <stdio.h>                                   | Binand Raj S.
char *p = "#include <stdio.h>%cchar *p = %c%s%c;     | This is a self-
int main(){printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);return 0;}%c";    | printing program.
int main(){printf(p,10,34,p,34,10);return 0;}        | Try it!!
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