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[LI] Linux FAQ - on ilug-hyd.org (new Hyderabad Linux website)
Am setting up a Linux FAQ for ilug-hyd.org (replacement for Syed
Khader Vali's old site http://linuxindia.virtualave.net )
[I've cc'd this to the Twin Cities Linux Group and the Linux India list,
so if you are on both lists (like Khader / Bhyrava Prasad etc),
please forgive me for two copies of this landing in your mailbox]
Here's the FAQ - comments and content welcome (please mail me
directly - and if you have to cc the list - delete most of this stuff first
and quote only the relevant parts to save list bandwidth)
start faq
[Q] What is Linux?
[A] Don't know yet? Click here or visit Linux Newbie <linux-
newbie.org link>
<the word HERE links to a small writeup on Linux
[Q] Hey, that penguin of yours looks kinda cute. What's his name?
[A] Tux [any links giving info about Tux? does he have his own
homepage? <g>]
[Q] Where do I get Linux?
[A] Lots of places. PC Quest / Chip CDs, Linux books, or buy it from
Cheapbytes (what's the link to that B'lore shop which is the
cheapbytes branch in India? GT Enterprises I think)
[Q] But I thought Linux was free. A Redhat CD costs more than
[A] There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Pressing a CDs costs
[Q] How can I get it for free then?
[A] Download it off the Net, or borrow a CD from your friend.
(give me any ftp site which has several Linux distros if possible - I
want to link to that from the word "Net")
[Q] There are so many varieties of Linux ....
[A] Uhh... they are called Distributions (or Distros for short)
[Q] OK, OK, Distros. Which Distro do I choose?
[A] If you are a newbie, try Caldera or Red Hat. Click here for more
This (above) links to a page with a short one para writeup on the
major distros - what they are and whom they would suit. Please!!
No flames like "Caldera Sucks, Debian (or Slakware / SuSe) rocks
or whatever. Something balanced, impartial. This site is about
Linux, not just abt Redhat or Debian or whatever.
[Q] All right, I got the CD. Now how do I install Linux?
[A] Click here - and welcome to Linux :-)
[here links to a short howto on installation. I'll take it from Norm
Matloff's excellent guide, and add a few more from various other
[Q] Hey! This is not as easy as installing Windows. I got this
problem ...
[A] Linux is not Windows. Click here for some common installation
[Can you guys contribute something on the SiS cards, etc etc
[Q] Does Linux have a GUI or am I stuck with a $ prompt?
[A] Lots. Try kDE, Gnome, Ice ... Click here for some Linux myths.
[Khader's two pages with all the screenshots will get mirrored here.
I'll optimize and resize them to fit the page, maybe put thumbnails
linking to a bigger image]
[Q] Now I got Linux installed, how do I connect to the Net?
[A] Click here - this is for VSNL, but can be easily changed for other
ISPs. (this links to Bhyrava Prasad's excellent Howto - converted to
HTML <g>)
[Q] Does Linux have something like MS Office?
[A] Try Star Office or Corel Word Perfect - they are free.
(anyone interested in writing a short comparative study on the
various office suites / office software available for Linux?)
[Q] I'm a software developer. Does Linux have something like
Visual Studio?
[A] Lots - and most of it free. Click here.
(some info on compilers, rdbms etc etc available in Linux - with links
[Q] Any further tricks I can try with Linux?
[A] How about your own answering machine?
(Khader's howto on making yr linux box into an answering machine)
end faq - more questions added upon request
Suresh Ramasubramanian
106D, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad 500038, India.
Phone: +(91-40)3736553/3745398 | eFax: +(1-603)590-5437
Suresh@xxxxxxxxxxx | Suresh@xxxxxxxx
http://www.kcircle.com | http://www.angen.net/~pegasus/
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