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Re: [LI] Need some info abt Bks on C on Unix
- Subject: Re: [LI] Need some info abt Bks on C on Unix
- From: Manas Garg <manasg@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 22:49:02 +0530
On Fri, Mar 19, 1999 at 04:11:57PM +0530, Mohd Iqbal wrote:
$# I too agree with you Jhon, i've subscribed to list only 20 days back, but
$# now i feel it's totally useless, most of the people here, seems to just
$# indulge in useless discussion, ther's no focus on real technical issues
$# that's why i decided to unsubscribe from this list
And who sent this useless mail to the list which does not have any 'technical'
content and does not 'focus' on any aspect of Linux? You did not even bother to
remove those 50 useless lines that you deragged when you 'clicked Reply'.
You can very well go ahead and unsubscribe. As far as the usefulness of this
list is concerned, it very well serves its purpose. I have been on this list
for 5 months (since when I started working on Linux and I started with
the knowledge of four
commands ls, mv, cp & mkdir) and had this list not been in place, I doubt
if I could survive.
About this thread, I fully agree with Raj. It's not that the sender can't write
good english or he should write good english. It's about netettiquetes. Next
time HTML mails will be advocated because you can very well understand them;).
It's a matter of incovenience that it causes to the people who intend to read
Hate to participate in this thread, but this time could not resist myself.
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