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Re: [LI] SAmba Config.

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On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 22:40:54   Wye Enterprises wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I am having trouble settingup Samba on my linux box, some time ago Manas
>sent me a sample smb.conf file I did the changes as suggested/required but
>no avail. Also whne I give the command http://localhost:901  to use swat to
>confgure as suggested in one of the pcq mags I get the msg unable to
>connect to remote host or unable to open host, I tried using both lynx and
>Netscape on rh 6.0 kernal 2.2.15 of the Aug CHip CD. All help is required.
>Yoganand G


Please try Telnet <ip-addr> from clients to ensure that Samba server recognizes the IP packets.

- - Rajendran

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