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Re: WINE problem

>>"Aranya" == Aranya  <akshata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Aranya> Hi,

 Aranya> You want to run a Windows application and you don't want to
 Aranya> install Windows?

        Not quite. The OS may be installed, but not running.

 Aranya> What's the point of that?

        So one does not have to take down a web and mail server to run
 a program like quicken. Not all of us have machines to throw around,
 you know. (I admit that this does not seem to be the issue the
 original poster had in mind). 

 Aranya> If there are some applications in Windows that you can't do
 Aranya> without, isn't it simpler to run them on Windows without any
 Aranya> problems (well, almost).

        Not in all cases. The machine may well be a multiuser box, or
 be performing other mission critical work. Just because the reasons
 for doing this do not apply to you does not ean that they do not

 Aranya> I don't see why is it so fashionable to be windows-bashing.

        My, we do seem to have a chip on our shoulder.

 Aranya> If you really can't do without something which the windows
 Aranya> world has to offer, you should admit it

        Oh, I admit it: there is no librè equivalent to Quicken (none
 that my banks and credit card companies accept, anyway). There are
 still good reasons not to take down my primary box to run it. 

- -- 
 A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Samuel
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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