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Re: Problems(?)/features(?) in Chip special RH 6.0

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On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 10:15:38   Ganesh wrote:
>Hi all,
>   The problems(?)/features(?) that I have faced in CHIP Linux
>special Redhat 6.0.
>Suggestions/solutions are welcome.
>  1. I have installed RH 6.0 from CHIP linux.  It was working for 2-3
>days.  Yesterday it was giving error for even logging. Then I tried 
>booting with "linux single" and saw the problem of 
>/lib/security/some*lib.so not found.
>  2. Another important thing is there is no LDP Documentation at all.
>(i.e., HOWTO directory under /usr/doc/).
>  3. There is no ipfwadm for firewall.  But people told me that
>ipfwadm is changed to ipchain. 
>  4. In earlier versions, we can have ids without any passwd. i.e., we
>can delete the password field from the /etc/passwd file.  There is
>only one character (x) is presented in the password field.  I deleted
>it, even then it is asking password for that particular account. Is
>this is new security feature they have added in 6.0?
>  5. In pppd, after connecting to the ISP it is giving errors like
>can't locate ppp compress module 21, 22 & 23.  
>  6. If you mount the CDROM with mount /mnt/cdrom, it's saying Kernel
>panic.... insmod.....
>Any suggestions/solutions for these. Either I should go back to my
>older PCQ version 5.2 or I should wait till the PCQ releases it 6.0
>version. Because, I never faced these kind of problems in the
>PCQ CDs. Hats off to PCQ CDs, PCQ Project and of course, to the PCQ

Hi Ganesh!

I also encountered the same problem with CD-ROM drive.

Then, I have re-installed the system as a new one and the problem got solved.  Because I have no data or applications on the system, which I am just evaluating, it was possible.

You may better wait for PCQ edition. Otherwise, take a backup of your entire data & dapplications; then re-install the system.

Bye !


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