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Re: ASP and JavaScript ??
I am new to ASP as such but what i know of it reads that ASP is a server side
scripting language .. So it is browser independent ..If u web browser supports
ASP scripting then aby browser should be capable of using it .. Am i right ..
So why there should be a problem or more specifically what does running ASP on
netscape mean
Javascript should run without any problems in NEtscape .. U said that u have
checked the edit -> preferences ,.. Try to look into the advanced folder and
see if all the boxes are checked ( u must have done that , but it is always
worth a second check).Also check the status bar when the page loads ..
Netscape crins about javascript errors in the status bar by saying "For more
details type javascript into the location bar" Apart from this there is
nothing to stop js from running on Netscape
Farhad Tarapore wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for replying to my problem with Netscape. I am an ASP programmer
> with a fairly OK knowledge of Javascript. I recently tried to get an ASP
> program running on Netscape but it just showed me the code. I even tried
> accessing the ASP file by typing the http://.... from the address bar, but
> to no avail.
> I can also not run Javascripts embedded in html pages. I tried to find the
> file association using the 'Edit ->preferences' dialog but could not find
> anything worthwhile.
> Anybody out there who can help me, I'll be thankful.
> Thanks.
> Farhad.
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