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Re : compiling kernel with fb

  Nagesh wrote that he had trouble compiling a kernel with fb enabled.
He talked about installing the kernel through rpm packages. I guess
the kernel version he was talking about is 2.2.0 from the PC-QUEST CD.
That RPM had a whole directory sub-tree missing and I wasnt able to
compile it either. You could try the next version (2.2.1) from the
same CD.
# mkdir /usr/src/linux-2.2.1 ; rm -f /usr/src/linux ; cd /usr/src
# ln -s linux-2.2.1 linux
# bunzip2 -c 
/mnt/cdrom/pcq-linux/extra/kernel-updates/2.2/linux-2.2.1.tar.bz2 | tar xvf 
- -
# cd linux
and start compiling....
Wish you better luck this time...

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