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Re: kppp not dialing

jayan sr wrote:

> >When I try to dial using KPPP through any other user except root it gives
> >me
> >error saying that
> >       cannot create modem lock file.
> >
> >what could be the problem. Where is this lock file created ?.
> >KPPP works fine if I login as root.

> 1. This happens because the ppp demon can only run as root.
> the lock file is created in /var/lock

As root also I could not run kppp in RH 6.0 of CHIP. I get msg even
during setup while modem query, that can't create modem lock file.
I have used chmod +s for pppd and chmod 755 for ttyS1 which is my com
Stiil I am getting this msg, cannot create modem lock file.
In RH 5.2 with the above modes I could get connected. However I am
getting connected using xisp. Any solutions?
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