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Linux on SGI's Intel server

Hi folks,

I got a Beta of SGI's forthcoming Intel server a few days ago.
Nice-looking machine -- looks exactly like a server is supposed to
look: multiple power supplies, squat, ugly, lots of lights, you know
that stuff, right?

Anyhow I loaded the Chip RH 6.0 onto it.  Installation went without a
hitch and now I'm happily running Gnome (first time I'm seeing it) on
it.  I plan to compile 2.2.10 soon (after I finish compiling KDE :-)
and see how that runs.

	10:41pm  up 21:06,  2 users,  load average: 1.17, 0.78, 0.54

	Linux nirman.newdelhi.sgi.com 2.2.5-15smp #1 SMP Mon Apr 19 21:11:51 EDT 1999 i686 unknown

Next step is to wipe out that WinNT partition :-)

BTW, I must have missed the message on the list -- how the heck does
one get StarOffice to install from the Chip CD?


- -- Raju

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