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Re: Help with Linux.


> open vi, temporary files are not being opened. Now that I have managed
> to get another hard disk of 125 MB capacity, how do I get out of this
> problem. I am not very sure of how to mount disks, make file systems and
> stuff or add swap spaces. I need help with this. I also need to install
> this lilo. This I couldnt do during install. How do I put LILO
> bootloader now?

While the solution suggested by S Ravi Shankar will work perfectly, I
believe, your previous linux installation was aborted midway and so there
will definitely be some files missing and hence lots of programs that you
might try will give dependency errors. So I suggest that you reinstall after
setting up your hard disk. If you've done it once you probably will find it
very easy to partition your disks using DiskDruid . I suggest that you place
the /usr partition on disk2. Now. since 154+125 mb isnt much disk space
still, and most of what you'll install will go to the /usr of disk 2 , you
still have to do a minimal installation and only keep what you cant live
without.Alternatively if you'd prefer 15 more MB of space for /usr , make a
10MB /boot and a /usr on the rest of the space of disk 1 , and a  /
partition on disk2.


BTW i am curious to know where you got a 125mb HDD from.... we now get
floppies of that size :-)

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