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Re: httpd failed

Rajesh Fowkar proclaimed:
> I have installed Red Hat Linux 6 from CHIP CD.
> My problem is when I start linux the various services get started and while
> starting httpd I get the following error :
> Starting http:                                         [ failed ]
> httpd:cannot determine local hostname
> Use the Servername Directive to Set it manually.

What does

$ hostname

tell you?  What do you have in /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts and
/etc/resolv.conf ?

Looks like programs on your computer cannot determine the hostname.  Read
the man page for hostname and set it (logged in as root).

> after this the machine boots as usual and while shutting down again I get the
> following message :
> shutting http                                           [failed]
> This may be because the http service was not started properly while booting.

This is obvious.  httpd was not started.  So it was not possible to shut it

> Why is this happening ? What should I do to rectify it ?

Here are the contents of the relevant files in my case.  Change according
to your particular setup.

$ cat /etc/hostname

$ cat /etc/hosts         www.aunet.org   www

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# PacBell Entries
domain          aunet.org
search          aunet.org pacbell.net pacbell.com

- --

"If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet!
  They are about to announce the lottery numbers."  -- Homer J. Simpson
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