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RE: Re : Network programming in Linux

Hi Vimal,

Vimal made the electron wave jingle:
	>Sure! I access the Internet tonight from a Windows system(last night
it was 
	>from a Linux system) through a proxy server running Sun OS or Digital
     	>(belonging to VSNL). 
Slight mistake, in terminology, I think ... the VSNL server that we
connect to is not a proxy server. It is a Gateway+DHCP server with
several racks of routers... in support

In addition I would like to add for the second query

Query 2:
>As you can see the PS have two roles, one is the server of Q_client, the
>other one is the client of S-server. Can I intergrate both of the roles of
>PS to be one program? Since The information collected from S-server will
>be computed and be kept (as a database) for Q_client. So I think the PS's
>program Should be integrated in one. Am I correct or wrong? Please give me
>guide or information. Any infomation will be apprciated.

A proxy server is supposed to play a dual role anyway. When the query
comes from the client, it is sent to the relavent server and the
relavent server replies to the query. 

As any server, it listens to a specific port, when the call comes on
that port for a connection. It assigns a new port for the connection and
starts listening to that also. From the connection request, it
determines which server to connect to and attempts to establish a
connection to that through another port. Once that is done, both ports
are mapped and data flows transparently. 

Actually, proxy server are more commonly associated with a kind of a
gateway-cum-proxy server concept in case of the Internet access, where
several client try to access the net using a common IP.



>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Vimal Mathew [SMTP:m_vimal@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent:	Wednesday, June 30, 1999 4:48 AM
>To:	linux-india@xxxxxxxxx
>Subject:	Re : Network programming in Linux
>>Can the client and server be written in different languages?
>Sure! I access the Internet tonight from a Windows system(last night it
>from a Linux system) through a proxy server running Sun OS or Digital
>(belonging to VSNL). This is possible because though both the clients
>the proxy-servers are written in different languages and may even run
>different OS, they follow the same internet-protocol(TCP/IP). So, as
>long as 
>both of your programs follow the same set of rules, there should be no 
>>Should the proxy server be written as a single program ?
>Why not? I don't know much about Java; but if I wrote it in C, I would
>to put them in a single program.
>Vimal Mathew,
>Model Engg. College
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