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Re: LINUX SPECIAL from CHIP Magazine

Yep u r 110% right , I feel they just dumped on us, without even testing it,
staroffice installtion almost screwed up my system, only RH6.0 works fine
and nothing else ..when i tried to install quake,xfstt ...etc they ask for
some unknown/alien  libraries, where i should get those??

this chip special is really a S.H.I.T, Now after buying i  feel i would had
gone for
GT enter.. or waited for PCQ, we had enough of this Special CD's .. would
they care to give some explanation ? if at all they  may give a patch, for
that we may have to purchase another chip CD.
 this special's going to be a total waste and FLOP
Anyone frm CHIP out there (sleepin?)

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