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Re: [Call for Developers Was [Anyone for a Combined effort?]]
- Subject: Re: [Call for Developers Was [Anyone for a Combined effort?]]
- From: SWAPS <swaps@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: 25 Jun 99 14:32:47 CDT
> About putting up the wish list,I have got a web page lying in fortune=
city.As for a ..
You have not provided the link to the webpage. If you had then some of us=
could have at least browsed through and given feedback.
> discussion I want to know whether is it O.K if I create a list at
> just an easy way to send mails to everyone on the list if not a
full-fledged mailing
Why not use the linux-india-programming list instead of creating yet anot=
list ? I know that the name may not sound like the aim but in my opinion =
are a good number of people on that list who can give valuable inputs bef=
we split up into another list (just as the case with linux-india and
> list.If you are keen on taking the decisions quickly we can have a
> meet in a chat room.But I not sure how well it will work out with my VS=
lines.I think
> exchanging mails
> is slow but a steady way in starting the group.Maybe we can meet in cha=
rooms when we
> really start doing something.
> =
> So,Those who are interested in joining the group can you e-mail me
directly so that
> I can take that as your permission to add you to the list.BTW I am not =
what to
> name ourselves as(which is also the name of the mailing list).I need
suggestions on
> that please.
> =
> You can also help us build a wish list by suggesting the kind of
software you
> would like to see in
> Linux.
> =
Indian Language support to Linux is badly needed. =
It would be good if we could come out with a minimal distribution/pcqupda=
like feature which would enable Indian Language features like indian font=
custom yudit, GIST emulation etc. [link http://members.tripod.com/~ilinux=
Infact this project needs a lot of our help in enhancements and debugging=
=2E I
am working on some that.
Besides this I had contacted with the authors of some of the other DOS/Wi=
based IL programs like Jadoo/Kya who would like to see people port their
programs to Linux. [link http://www.eurodate.de/kyaa-src.zip]
The I18N team at GNOME/KDE/Mozilla would also do a lot with our help.
- -swaps
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