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UNIX & Windows...????

Hi all,
    I have been wondering for a long time as to why 
L(U)nix is not very popular as compared to MS-Windows.
  I think I have found the answer. When I was trying
 to install Linux on my brand new machine , I had to have nearly six books on my side as well as info on 
Clock timings of some mysterious chips. Coupled with this one has the problem of the X Window system not supporting some graphics adapter or the other.

( It sounds crazy to hear that one has to change the graphics card if Linux is not aware of it!!!! )

 On the other hand , when I installed windows 95 , 
 it was completed in 30 minutes flat. Everything was configured the way I wanted including the display & graphics stuff.
   Now I am not trying to start a flame war here. But honestly , how many people can the Linux-builders expect to know about such intricate Hardware details.

Though I have always loved the Unix world , for once I was really frustrated about this whole circus one has to perform when installing an Operating System!!.

Eat Java , Sleep Java , Drink only HOTJAVA.
Karthik K H
Senior Software Engg,
IBM Global Services,India

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