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Re: Two ethernet cards

Dear Salaria,

You have to add route on eth1 to ping successfully. For this you can do
one thing. Edit your  rc.inet1 file and add all entries for "eth1" which
are existing for "eth0". (This will include route entry also).

Secondly, to get eth1 recognised during boot time, edit ur lilo.conf
file and add line 

	append = "ether=0,0,eth1" 

after  line "image=...." . Dont forget to activate new lilo.config by
giving command "lilo". 

This should solve ur problem ..


On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, N P Salaria wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have recently loaded linux 5.2 from the March issue of PCQuest , they have
> done an extremely good job , especially the pcqupdt installs lot of
> additional
> Utilities.
> Somehow I am not able to configure two ethernet interfaces , if any of you
> can
> Help on the same
> Scenario .. We have a network here where wish to configure the linux machine
> As a gateway to the internet. We have an ISDN hub which is at present
> connected to Windows machine and is dialling and working fine.
> I want to to set up the linux machine with two eth devices so that one
> connects to the ISDN hub and the other to the local network , then configure
> it such that
> Only some selected users can use it to either ftp or access the www
> services.
> I have two eth cards one is Intel ether express pro 10 and the other is a
> 3COM etherlink link III 3c509TP card.
> I have the  following entry in the /etc/conf.modules
>  Alias eth0 eepro
> Alias eth1 3c509
> Options eepro io=0x300 irq=5
> Options 3c509 io=0x280 irq=10
> When the machine boots it detects only eth0 and gives the message delaying
> initializing eth1
> After booting if I give the following commands
> #insmod 8390
> #insmod 3c509
> then the system prompts back
> eth1: 3c509 at 0x280 .....................
> ie the system recognises the card as eth1
> then I configure it with
> ifconfig eth1  broadcast ....... And netmask commands
> and ifconfig eth1 up
> then if  I say ifconfig it shows all three
> lo, eth0 and eth1
> but I still cannot ping eth1 and not able to go on the network with the
> second card ,
> again how can we detect both the cards at boot time ??
> where can I enter the insmod command to be detected at boot ??
>  even at the lilo prompt , the following command doesn't work
> LILO: linux ether=5,0x300,eth0 ether=10,0x280,eth1
> Machine detects only one card.
> I need both the cards to access one ISDN, and other local network
> I will be thankful for any  help
> Thanks in advance
> N P Salaria
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