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Re: ***WARNING*** (Overclocking)

>K6-2 266 has been over clocked here to 300...Who says U can't over clock?

Dear Ragoo, prob. u missed the line that says all pre 300MHz K6 processors
(incl. K6/2) can be safely overclocked.  My own K6-266 is overclocked at 300. 

Regarding ur question Mukund,  companies like AMD try to give their best
for your money.  So if a processor is capable of running at a higher speed
than it is designed for then they sell it overclocked.  Hence it is not
possible to further overclock these processor.  

On the other hand companies like Intel find it to be a lot cheaper to make
all their processors on the same assembly line and then mark them according
to the budget of the customer.  This means that all The Celerons & P-II's
that you can buy today are identical inside, irrespective of the marked
speed.  This means that Intel gets a fat profit from the ignorant customer
who pays more for the same processor marked at a higher speed.

As of now, Intel prevents overclocking of processors by *locking* their
Clock multipliers.  Such processors can only be overclocked by hiking the
Bus Clock.  For example my P-II 300 (A 450 in reality) uses a Bus clock of
66MHz, and a Multiplier of 4.5.  (66*4.5=300)  It was overclocked by hiking
the Bus clock to 100MHz.  (100*4.5=450)

If you are looking for a good motherboard to use for owerclocking I would
recommend the Award BIOS based ZX motherboards freely available in India.
This board costs Rs3600 or so and can handle Celeron/P-II/P-III upto 733
MHz (Bus Clock upto 133MHz).  The bus clock can be set using the BIOS Setup

For those who wonder about the stability of the system, I can assure you
that Linux works comfortably even when overclocked.  The only points to be
careful of is:
1.  Make sure your RAM can handle speeds above 100MHz if your bus clock is
100MHz or above.
2.  As the PCI/AGP clock speed depends on the Bus Clock.  Make sure Your
Hard Disk (UDMA)/ Video card/ SCSI can handle it.  Be very very careful
overclocking systems with SCSI cards installed.

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