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Re: Linux on AMD K6 ***WARNING***

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:

	Can any one tell me how do I overclock a CPU, just by making
jumper settings on MotherBoard ?? 

What are the sffect of this, say t1 clocked CPU(from factory) is
overclocked to t2=x*t1, so will I know achieve a mips *= x ?

And are there any other problems with this, like timing issues to may time
critical programs ??

If CPU can be overclocked why don't chip maker market their t1 Hz CPU as
t1*x Hz CPU ?

- -Chetan S
> Rajiv Dhinakaran wrote:
> > 
> > So forget about overclocking *any* K6/2's.
> >
> K6-2 266 has been over clocked here to 300...Who says U can't over clock
> ?
> AMD had released a press note saying that they R going to stop the
> processor from being over clocked.  Can anyone, in detail, elaborate on
> how they R going to achieve this ??  Pre-300 AMDs and AMD K6-2s still
> can be over clocked !!
> AMD line of processors are far better and technically superior to the
> current range of Pentium procs.  They R far cheaper too....
> ragOO, VU2RGU.
> -- 
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