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RE: I can't run sendmail normally

Another way is to run "/sbin/halt -p" as root (or su'd in as root). If this
is on a P2 machine with an ATX powersupply, it will shutdown the power, too.

sendmail is rarely invoked directly - if you want to send mail to another
user, use

mail [-s "subject"] address [< optional_prepared_textfile]

if you need to send something from the command line, else use pine or elm


> To perform a "halt" of your system:
> a) You ought to have logged in as root
> b) Type in the following command at the prompt:  shutdown now -h
> c) Wait till all the services get killed, one after the other and
> finally a message (the last line on your display) which says "System
> Halted"
> To perform sendmail operations please consult the sendmail HOWTO which
> normally is found at /usr/doc/ in your linux system.  You need to setup
> and configure sendmail before you can start using it.

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