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Re: Hi!
- Subject: Re: Hi!
- From: Raj Mathur <raju@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 10:00:53 +0530 (IST)
>>>>> "Mukund" == mukund <betacomp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Mukund> Jeffrey Yep wrote:
>> Well I've finally got onto the linux-india list. Well I have a
>> slight problem. You see I'm new to Linux and I'd like to
>> install it on my 486 which has 8MB RAM and a CD ROM
>> attached. But I have a few questions before I do that. I have
>> only one HD which has only 600+ MB memory. Already 350Mb is
>> occupied with Win 95 and its applications, so that leaves me
>> with only 250MB free. Is 250MB enough for Linux?? I would like
>> to go for Red Hat or if there is a better version ofLinux then
>> please tell me. Basically will I be able to have a word
>> processor, GUI interface for Linux on this much memory also?
Mukund> First of all, rh5.2 needs minimum about 200 mb with kde,
Mukund> mail, netscape, so 250 mb is not sufficient (assuming 32mb
Mukund> of swap space). Secondly I feel any gui like kde will be
Mukund> torturing on 486. Linux with gui and netscape need at
Mukund> least p200 with 32 mb ram.
I'm afraid I do not agree with any of your suggestions. I'm happily
running KDE on a 486/66 with 24MB of RAM, and it's quite acceptable
(if a tad slow). Secondly, you should be easily able to pare down
your RH installation to 100-150MB -- one doesn't /really/ need 4
shells, does one? (Just an example)
Mukund> So forget gui, go for minimum installation (with all
Mukund> options deselected in rh5.2 ) of about 60-70 mb. And if
Mukund> you still want to conserve the space go for umsdos of
Mukund> slack ware which will take 20-25 mb without separate
Mukund> partition.
No. UMSDOS is an abortion.
Mukund> If you really want to learn linux the dark world of
Mukund> command line is best, the gui is for the people who just
Mukund> want to use linux.
Uh, the times they are a'changing. GUI's are perfectly fine for
right-brain people, it's just us left-brain types who go around
claiming that CLI's are God's gift to personkind. Here's a simple
test: stare fixedly at the dot below, first with your left eye closed
for 15 minutes and then with your right eye closed for 15 minutes:
Do you have a sudden urge to pick up a meat cleaver and come and visit
me in person? If yes, then I'm sorry, you are one of those rare
people -- neither right nor left-brained. On the other hand if you
just got a headache, then you should be using a GUI. Or maybe a CLI.
Or was it the other? Anyway, you get what I mean.
*Ducking and running*
Mukund> Best Wishes. -mukund
Mukund> http://members.theglobe.com/betacomp/default.html
Mukund> http://members.xoom.com/BETACOMP/index1.htm
- -- Raju
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