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Re: Viability of Linux companies (Was Re: A Linux Today story has been mailed to you!)

> Me neither... but I would still like to serve out the same page to as many
> clients/browsers as possible.

Every developer would love to do less work BUT in my experience this does
not really gel with the client who has IE5.5 and thinks that the world
uses only IE5.5 till the day he gets complains that his site does not run
under browser X

Here are some thumb rules which has helped me in bussiness.

1) Add the latest feature that the client has seen at site X but tell him
that it will not work with browser Y, they are usually not bothered :-(

2) See to it that the user from browser Y while getting an inferior
experience is not left marooned.

3) Use client side validation for forms as much as you can - there is
nothing more frustrating than being told field Z is mandatory after you
have submitted the form HOWEVER *never* depend on client side validation,
back it up with server side validation, the server does work over time a
bit but to the end user it is transparent.

Hey! someone obliquely hinted that I was rude in my previous mail.

Who the *$#@%! was that :-D  



P.S. Take all that is written or discussed on this list  with a pinch of

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