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Re: Viability of Linux companies (Was Re: A Linux Today story has been mailed to you!)

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 indradg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

 |MSFT does make the following claim -- "Microsoft® JScript® 5.5, a powerful
 |scripting language targeted specifically at the Internet, is the first
 |scripting language to fully conform to ECMAScript, the Web's only standard
 |scripting language.". Although, since its from MSFT we have to take some
 |salt with that.... ;-)

 |IMHO, this is getting ridiculous... lets admit something honestly...
 |Mozilla is good, but Netscape has really messed badly. Admit it! It has
 |lost the browser war, it has lost all the early advantages and its top gun

Yes you are right... it has lost the numbers game... but if we start
advocating IE and put up "this site works with IE Only" signs ... then we
will be forced to continue using Windoze forever!

 |pulled back from utilizing those? In a production environment, I wouldn't
 |use a product just because its open source, I would use it because it is

Me neither... but I would still like to serve out the same page to as many
clients/browsers as possible.

 |What about using CSS/CSSP which properly utilized can optimize and easy
 |away a lot of development & maintanence blues? I want to use SVG/VML to
I think mozilla has a better CSS implementation than netscape.

 |favorite for a long time. But do use fvwm instead of KDE 2 on our new,
 |blazing fast machine??? I don't think so ;-)

Hmm... like I said in my prev. mail it's all a matter for personal opinion
and I was expressing mine... but I do use fvwm2 on my machine!(p3-733
256MB etc)

 |standard. Sure, the way MSFT goes about doing this does leave me
 |uncomfortable many a times. But MSFT can't be pronounced guilty just
 |because as a market leader it is trying to push a standard. Its a funny

What M$ does is it gives you a couple of good things and pushes a few
unwanted stuff on you.(remembers passwords... allows scripts to send data
out of the machine if ur security level is low! my friend wrote a couple
of ActiveX proggies to format a floppy without user permission!)

 |while we are busy lighting the witch-hunt bonfire, MSFT would have gained
 |more  marketshare and hammered in yet another nail in the coffin of the
 |alternative browsers.

Aren't we hammering bigger and stronger nails by saying "This site works
best with browser X" ???


	        .:: Kingsly John                ICQ 14787510 ::.
            .:: Linux 2.4.3 #7 Tue Apr 17 18:48:39 IST 2001 i686 ::.
           `:. Posted to the list on Thu Apr 19 11:21:23 IST 2001 .:'