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Re: Viability of Linux companies (Was Re: A Linux Today story has been mailed to you!)
On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Dr Tarique Sani <tarique@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
|I am sure you are not advocating everybody stay poor because not everybody
|can get rich! He He He.... That would be rich!
No I'm advocating non discrimination!
|So while I can show my M$IE users a page that can scroll without scroll
|bars - the other browsers users have to use the plain simple scroll
|bars.This,for me as a developer is a headache is an entirely different
FYI you can do the same on netscape too infact there's a script which
works on both IE and netscape... check out htmlguru.com
(They have a LOT of cool scripts which work across browsers)
|Now - The other browser users can either ( along with analogy)
FYI ... the browsers maybe a car.... but you run a restaurant where the
owner drops in to eat....
|b) sulk and say it is not standard, Atul in that case will never be
|convinced to junk his car.
You can say only Sienna owners can walk in on a red carpet while maruti
owners will have to use the kitchen entrance!
|a) not mind not having the feature, I drive a maruti 800 can't afford the
|Sienna that Atul drives.
How many of your Maruti customers would love to walk in thru the kitchen ?
|c) put the feature there, I can hand craft my Maruti 800 in to a
|convertible, bore larger cylinders, have magelium pistons and run it on
|ethanol! WOW - the people behind me better stay clear of the flames.
|Well I got a bit carried away BUT except for the last ethanol part I am
|indeed going to do what I have outlined.(Psst... Atul will you exchange
Get DC to do a face/feature lift ... how many people will be able to do
it ?? (will work for cars... but not for browsers! remember netscape is
closed source too!)
they'd rather go to the restaurant nearby that rolls out the red
carpet for everyone.
|The point being if M$ rams something inferior down our throats and calls
|it a standard we are correct in shouting that it is NOT!
Where and when do they give you a choice anyway??? If you don't mind have
things shoved down your throat.. inferior or not.. it's your choice... I
love to do things my way , in my time.(isn't that what freedom is all
about ?)
|However if they have something superior then we should be graceful enough
|to acknowledge it.
So what you are saying is I don't care if linux users can see my website
in it's fullest glory... as long as M$FT people can I'm OK with it!
It's not fair to discriminate against someone just because he has a
different browser/different car/different color of skin.
|I don't know about you but I have been using computers long enough to
|remember that mouse was once called a non standard peripheral.
I had an XT with 20MB HDD and a color monitor w/CGA card(16colors) and
640kb RAM(I vaguely remember) ... back then a HardDisk was an optional
extra! ... everyone who came home were amazed that I didn't need to use
floppies !!!(most people were still using PCs with either 1 or 2 floppy
drives and a floppy could hold 360kb of data WOW!!! We even had single
sided floppies in the market!)
.:: Kingsly John ICQ 14787510 ::.
.:: Linux 2.4.3 #7 Tue Apr 17 18:48:39 IST 2001 i686 ::.
`:. Posted to the list on Wed Apr 18 20:28:33 IST 2001 .:'