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Re: Viability of Linux companies (Was Re: A Linux Today story has been mailed to you!)
On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Dr Tarique Sani <tarique@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
|OK! you want to nitpick - go ahead - BUT then tell me what *is* jscript.
Microsofts implementation of Javascript ... which they embraced and
|BTW - while you are at it also check up which version of Javascript and
|Jscript are compliant with which version of ECMA standards.
ECMA is a standard... and I think netscape will the first to fully comply
with it because most of ECMA was taken from JavaScript (jScript has too
many M$FT only features)
(you can check some of the cool manuals which they have on their site for
javascript LOT better than any book in the market.)
|and while I may be a non standard person - IE simply offers me too many
|features to play around with while doing client side scripting.
Which will only work on IE ... that is the whole point!(I really love that
frontpage extension thing which makes you page appear from grains... but
all other browser users will not be able to see that cool effect.)
|BTW - I vaguely remember Netscape being sued for not following
|Javascript standards as promised, anyone remembers it better
I don't think that's possible... coz Netscape developed JavaScript... the
name is owned by Sun... but the technology is from Netscape.
.:: Kingsly John ICQ 14787510 ::.
.:: Linux 2.4.3 #7 Tue Apr 17 18:48:39 IST 2001 i686 ::.
`:. Posted to the list on Wed Apr 18 16:52:21 IST 2001 .:'