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Re: Viability of Linux companies (Was Re: A Linux Today story has been mailed to you!)

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Arun Sharma wrote:

 |IE 5.5 supports XSLT. Even Mozilla 0.8.1 doesn't.

IE doesn't support JavaScript the standard in client side scripting.(never
did) ... they used the corrupted JVM... Frontpage Extensions .....

I don't think any of these can be called standards... M$FT openly preaches
the embrace and extend philosophy.. so it can hardly be called standards
compliant.(BTW did you know that some of the features promised in the
first version of Windoze NT are still not implemented .. even in W2K ???
They can't even live up to their own standards!)

They provide tools to migrate from LDAP to ActiveDirectory (A 100% M$FT
standard!!!) but not the other way around (A modern day chakravyuha!) so
once you get in you are trapped!

And if they are so good... why don't they port their browser to linux ??
which definitely has a larger marketshare than say HP-UX (for which there
exists an IE port!)

I seem to have gone off topic so I'll stop here.


	        .:: Kingsly John                ICQ 14787510 ::.
            .:: Linux 2.4.3 #7 Tue Apr 17 18:48:39 IST 2001 i686 ::.
           `:. Posted to the list on Wed Apr 18 10:31:30 IST 2001 .:'