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Re: [SOT] VSNL Mail woes...

jay rearranged electrons thusly:

>   I've found sometimes, while using their smtp - smtp.vsnl.net, it takes the
> Sender's name as it was registered (i.e.:what they in their system) with and
> not from the client. Not frequent, but happens once in a while. It doesn't

rewriting, perhaps.

> even allow to send mails thru it if the reply address is not set to
> @vsnl.net not even if @server.vsnl.net.in though connected from the same
> network/pool.

lousy antispam protection.

Instead of using smtp.vsnl.net, I suggest you use the *.vsnl.net.in smtp
servers (they'll all relay for anything in vsnl's dialup pool ...).  Most of
them run postfix and dont have this kind of st00pid rewriting / envelope
checking (which is, basically a waste of time - relay restrictions by IP are
more than enough)

> Perhaps this is because of the excessive load on this server ? Since the
> last couple of months all the accounts from the metros are being assigned
> from this server.
 Dont use it as smtp like I said (and I suggest you get yourself a pop account
 from elsewhere - so that you dont get stuck relying on a single isp server.
 Preferably, get this pop account from a free shell provider like
 m-net.arbornet.org so that you can telnet / ssh in and use pine - for example
 to clear out a full mailbox / delete huge mails / read them when traveling)

Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin