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Re: Free software...

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 01:00:30AM +0530, Alex M Alex merrily said:
> > When I use GNU software or any other licenced software, I respect that
> > licence, I do. But getting treated to a lecture of "Free"dom and
> > (bulldozed) into giving back to the society ... (i am feeling tired
> > again). 
>     You are tring to be selfish.GNU/GPL protects the creators
>     from hijacking their code.

Huh? Did you even try and read what I had written??? I admit I was(am)
sleepy when I wrote that ... but it states clearly "respect that
licence". For GNU that means that if(and when) i develop a code based
on a GNU software, I WILL distribute it under the same licence. Where
is this "getting selfish" thing coming from?

Unless there is some unseen clause in the GPL which forces any person
using GPLed software to an hour of Stallman's lecture everyday for the
rest of his/her life !! ;)

Hell!!! I will use GPLed software. I swear to abide by it. But spare
me the lecture will you? We know that GPL and Opensource(I don't give
a damn whether that word hurts you) are exactly what the doctor
ordered. We understand why you are doing it (even though all of us
don't agree to parts of it). Can't we do some work in peace rather
than hearing this same lecture over and over again?? Unless you are
trying to emulate M$ in it's marketing efforts - say the same words n
number of times and the world thinks "that's the way to go today".

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya 
sandipb @ bigfoot.com