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Re: Congrats to Nagendra VU2CLN
Sandip Bhattacharya posts:
> GPL is not always the answer. I know more than half the
> folks here will be at my throat for that.
Fear not, no one would go for your throat. If GPL is not the
answer, then why do you want to release the software under GPL ?
If innovation is to happen then GPL is the answer. If you
believe in *freedom* then look no further than the GPL. Some of
us would say that the GPL is of a viral nature, let it be so
that it can make more code *free*.
> I have to make my whole application GPL, regardless of how large,
> complicated, reusable my product is.
You need not release/publish that application of yours under the
GPL even if your code contains GPLed stuff. You can circulate
your binaries/whatever internally and enjoy it !! The moment
you publish/market these binaries, para 2b of the GPL says you
have to release everything (source+bins) for the Public.
Cut the crap of how reusable your product is. Your product has
derived beneficially from the GPL, so what the heck are you
balking at ?? Release and show us that code.
> > can have look/mod some years from now it ok.I am just proud to
> > be one of the few open source authors here
> You should be. Wish there were more of you folks around.
Nagendra does not fully understand when he says *Open Source*.
Open source and Free software are two different things. I think
and wish we had fewer Open source authors and more of Free
Software authors. Open Source is a twisted form of Free
Software. The goals of the Open Source authors are not clear
and hence have to be shunned like the *plague*. It is going to
give us more problems than solutions, IMHO.
Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.........Amateur Radio
Keeping your Software FREE.........GNU Project
Keeping the W W W FREE..Debian GNU/${kernel}