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Re: Congrats to Nagendra VU2CLN

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Nagendra, VU2CLN wrote:


> Got more apps lined to be GPL'ed soon!

So have I - in fact 4 of them, they are not being released for lack of
documentation :-(

Scorpio - a bugzilla clone BUT which allows csv uploads and downloads
instead of just web and mail access to reporting and tracking bugs,
already in use at http://www.sanisoft.com/scropio 

WAPpop v2(v1 is already very popular) - a PHP 4 compatible WAP based
popmail client

ETOH - a generic class to convert roman hindi to devnagri hindi (a la
Epatra / Rediff Mail) , has been ported to PHP to work server side,
java(applet) to work on client side working on a javascript version. once
done, I will need volunteers to do some other indian languages.

of_cal v2 - a phplib OOH form calender element for entering/validating  
dates via html form

Any takers?


       B2B Application Providers
 Vortal for Nagpur http://nagpurcity.net