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Re: RedHat 7.0

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 01:16:18PM +0530, Atul Chitnis wrote:
> There are several reasons:
> - RHL 7 was buggy as hell, and PCQ does not want to subject its users to
>   this. RHL 7.1 is on the way, but until it is out, we cannot judge it.
>   RedHat typically plays the Version Waltz (x.0, .1, .2 ;-), with .2
>   usually being the most usable/stable version. The most stable CD version
>   of RHL continues to be the RHL 6.2, which was distributed with PCQ June
>   2000.

   I dont know why pc quest sticks to Redhat. There are better distros
around like debian and mandrake ( If u are after userfriendlyness)
What I feel is that there is very little money these mags can extract
out of advertisers for linux specials. I dont think PCQ ( or any
magazine) will carry a decent linux distro in near future. Also a good modern distro wont fit into a single CD.
    Another reason PCQ people always quotes is that  they want people
to have less upgrade pains. It is silly in my view. I have started
learning linux with slackware (Distributed with The complete  Linux Kit)
Upgraded through various slackware releases brought out by PCQ. Then
switched to Redhat and finaly to debian
  We deserve  a better distro than  X.0 X.1 X.2 
Any body sticking to linux will try  out other distros at least out of

> - The PCQ Linux Project doesn't just push out Linux CDs. It tries to add
>   value. This takes time, and a stable version as a base *would* be nice
  What else the linux project at PCQ do?  
  Take the case of any present day PCQ  linux article. The are just
routine stuff churned out by one or two people. Please go through
a few that has been published recently and feel the difference.(Articles
in Linux speacials were much more better).

   In fact a few months back a deb package was ( accidentialy ) given
against their proclaimed policy of  givig out only rpms.( Good QC)

> - PCQ would like to minimize the impact of rapid version changes (which
>   are in no way unique to RHL), since it recognises that people who
>   install from its CDs typically tend to use it for a long time.

   Is the linux CD aimed at home users or (semi)  geeks. In the former
case  they will just look at the cd and then keep it safe. IMHO only
people with some intrest  to experiment will try out linux CD. Hence
version changes is not a big problem. If PCQ is that much particular let
them keep a good mirror of all the stuff they give out.

> - The PCQLP team builds its "offerings" based on reader suggestions and
>   feedback (to linux-project@xxxxxxxxxxx), plus a close watch on channels
>   like LI*.

    I doubt it. I have never seen most of the present day linux writers
on LI*. (I dont mean Linux specials. LI has contributed a lot to them)

> This takes time.

   and effort  also . There is no easy money involved       


> (Not speaking for or as PC Quest)

  Speaking for  Linux Users 

 Sunil Thomas Thonikuzhiyil               sunil_tt@xxxxxxxxx
 Principal, College of Applied Science    On GNU/Linux
 Calicut,Kerala,India. Ph:0495-768320     http://geocities.com/sunil_tt