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Re: Re: [ilug-goa] LINK: Bang!Linux 2001 March 05-07

Indraneel Majumdar rearranged electrons thusly:

> On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> > but yeah, "not wrong" != "not stupid".  pricing yourself out of reach of the
> > majority of your audience is not exactly the wisest thing to do.
> and wrox books are costly too (which has led to my bookshelves being lined
> only by O'Reilly)
The 'net is my bookstore, more or less - http://www.google.com makes it far
easier to read through tons of material :)

Whatever I do have is either o'reilly or sams.net


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
"What separates normal people from kooks is how they react when people disagree
with them or tell them "NO"  <-- Ron Ritzman on news.admin.net-abuse.email