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Re: TeX

Radhakrishnan C V [Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 08:56:56AM +0530]: 

> : 	--suresh (broke head over TeX, then found LyX)
> Need not break your head, Suresh. There is a comprehensive online
> tutorial going on at the Indian TeX Users Group mailing list. We have

Thanks for the offer.  If I need to use TeX more extensively any time, I'll
definitely check this out.

> Why not Linux-India think in terms of conducting a comprehensive Linux
> online tutorial just as we TeXies do? That will be a great assistance

More details please - this sounds interesting.

> In the end, Linux-India can publish the training documents put
> together in the form of a nice book with a price tag that is
> affordable for our people.
In the spirit of the GPL, I suggest it just be placed online somewhere or the
other so that it'll be accessible to a far larger audience and available for
