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Re: Re: Accusations

Hi all,
    I have been reading this one on & off. I simply
don't understand whatz going on here..

    Someone(Atul) is using LINUX to make money???.. 
IMO that's the whole purpose of making an OS like this
by Linus. He might not make money.. but someone will.
He doesn't stop it.. why others bother.. as agreed by
atul, nobody can hijack or lowjack linux as a OS. yes
have distros, make money out of selling them. Write
books about Linux, Make money.. & do what not to make
money but u can't sell the IDEA LINUX .. else Linux
would have been doomed by now.

Hope i made a point here.. 

and PLEASE STOP these boring mails. 

Advice to Atul: Ignore em. Do what you have to do.


--- Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Raju:
> On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Raju Mathur wrote:
> > 1. The Linux movement (in India or anywhere)
> cannot be hijacked by any
> > company or individual.
> That's a foregone conclusion, and is actually one of
> the things I set out
> to prove.
> > 2. Atul is doing a lot for Linux in India.  So is
> Suresh.  So am I.
> > So are about 2000 other people.
> The issue is not about who has done what *for*
> Linux. This is about
> accusations of having done things *against* Linux
> (or Linux-India).
> Accusations like these (about me) have been rampant
> for a long time. They
> are essentially built on the premise that no one
> would spend that much
> time/money/effort/blood/etc. on something (like
> Linux) without having an
> axe to grind.
> In this case, the accusations come from someone who
> has not offered even
> one piece of evidence in favour of his argument.
> Dragging personal mail
> into public does not constitute evidence/proof.
> Ask yourself *why* I am "exposing" myself this way.
> Why am I almost
> *begging* my accusers (so far only two) to prove
> their accusations with
> evidence?
> It is because I am tired of this sick campaign. I am
> being hounded out of
> the Linux community because of personal differences
> that two people have
> with me. And this campaign is affecting my ability
> to do what I have been
> doing (along with you and so many others) for more

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