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RE: [ot - sort of] spammer bites the dust (goodbye gtcdrom. com)
#-----Original Message-----
#From: Suresh Ramasubramanian [mailto:mallet@xxxxxxx]
# By the way, spam is not about content - it is about consent.
key quote. whoa !
I think ,as Biju also has put it in the right perspective, is that trading
Linux news/info/goodies does not give you blanket cover from being a
Even if GT/or ShouryaROM would dump e-mails [unsolicited] into Foo
Swaminathan's mailbox on writing SCSI drivers or virus-protection-info, even
THAT IS SPAM, if you have not __explicitly__ asked for it.
Explicit consent is necessary, ie somekind of reauthorisation/authentication
is a MUST otherwise , I would go to www.tux.org/lkml and subscribe my
dearest enemy to the Linux Kernel Mailing List !!! If the lkml listerver(or
who-the-fish) is running the list doesnot have a auth mechanism, then LKML
(e.g) is guilty of SPAM, I think.
I do not know what teh legal implications of spam are, globally, and in
India, but I think it is time we grew more conscientious about unsolicited
mail. Some people (Suresh and others) are already doing a good job, I think
they might need more concerted support from the community at large.
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