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Re: [ot - sort of] spammer bites the dust (goodbye gtcdrom. com)
Sarcar, Shourya (MED) [Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 10:45:31AM +0530]:
> # By the way, spam is not about content - it is about consent.
> key quote. whoa !
This is a catchphrase / slogan in the anti-spam community - I think it was
coined by the late Jim Nitchals, founder of FREE - the forum for responsible
and ethical email - http://www.spamfree.org
> Even if GT/or ShouryaROM would dump e-mails [unsolicited] into Foo
> Swaminathan's mailbox on writing SCSI drivers or virus-protection-info, even
> THAT IS SPAM, if you have not __explicitly__ asked for it.
Very good. You got the point.
> Explicit consent is necessary, ie somekind of reauthorisation/authentication
> is a MUST otherwise , I would go to www.tux.org/lkml and subscribe my
> dearest enemy to the Linux Kernel Mailing List !!! If the lkml listerver(or
> who-the-fish) is running the list doesnot have a auth mechanism, then LKML
> (e.g) is guilty of SPAM, I think.
Unconfirmed mailing lists are eligible for an RBL nomination -
> I do not know what teh legal implications of spam are, globally, and in
> India, but I think it is time we grew more conscientious about unsolicited
> mail. Some people (Suresh and others) are already doing a good job, I think
> they might need more concerted support from the community at large.
> </my_take>
You dont need so-called "cyberlaws" (most of which are just a lot of vaporware
and hot air propogated by Dewang Mehta and co). Just about every ISP in the
world (yes - EVEN vsnl and other Indian ISPs) have a clause buried somewhere
in their general terms and conditions which basically says "thou shalt not
If you break that rule, you have broken the contract with your ISP - and are
therefore liable to be terminated. Contract law is _very_ old, and very
clearly defined.
ps - this is getting waaaaay OT for LI-* - so anyone who has a take on this,
please mail it to comments@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - CAUCE India is not running a
mailing list yet - so we just go on cc'ing each other for a while, till we
shift to majordomo (or at least an egroups list)
Suresh Ramasubramanian + suresh@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sysadmin, OyeIndia.Com + http://oyeindia.com
Staff meeting in the conference room in %d minutes.