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Re: Re: [linux@it.com] Sponsor for the TechTracks at IT.COM secured!
Frederick Noronha proclaimed:
> PS: We at Goa would do our best to host any influx of Luggers here. Let's have
> a conference or something, then everyone (not just Raju) will have a reason to
> come! As I warned earlier, we are small (about 15 members attending meetings,
> and our ilug-goa@xxxxxxxxxxx has just grown to 40+). So maybe we'll need to
> associate with some group like the local active Computer Society of India, Goa
> University or the National Institute of Oceanography to organise such an event
> here. But you'll are most welcome; we'll do our bit...
Nice! But please hold off this Goa Linux meet till sometime in March of
2001. I'm planning on being in India around that time for over 3 weeks.
I'd love to spend 4-5 days in Goa. I'll foot the Feni bill.
Lisa: Dad, is this another one of those situations that could be solved
by a simple apology?
Homer: I never apologize, Lisa. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am.
Sudhakar C13n http://www.aunet.org/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave