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INVITE: Welcome to Goa Linux group...
Dear friend, Knowing of your interest in the field of
computing and software, we would like to invite you to join
our India Linux Users Group (Goa).
To join our email-based mailing, simply send a blank
message to
You can send in Linux queries to the list, and would
probably get assistance. This list was started by Arvind
Yadav and includes as its active members Prof Gurunandan
Bhat of Goa University, Albert Gouveia and Darshan of NIO,
Saha of ETDC-Goa and others.
Ours is a small and friendly group, that meets on the
fourth Saturday of every month, at 4 pm, at the Computer
Society of India's office, which is located at the third
floor of Naguesh Apartments (near the Municipal Market,
just opposite Hotel Navtara). You are also most welcome to
join in our meetings.
We specially seek interactions with visiting Linux users and specialists. If
you're planning a visit to Goa, let us know in advance...
* LinuxGoa (ILUG) meets next on Oct 28, 4 pm sharp, CSI.
* Volunteer for the BangIT2000 Linux stall !!!
* Details from http://itcom.linux-india.org
* hit VOLUNTEERS button
ILUG-Goa is part of the nationwide network
of Linux users groups that seeks to promote the use Linux,
and explore its relevance to a talent-rich,
resource-strapped region like South Asia.
Looking forward to your active participation on the list.
Frederick fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ph 409 490
For ILUG-Goa
frederick noronha, freelance journalist, fred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
near convent, saligao 403511 goa india 0091.832.409490/ 409783
News from Goa http://www.goacom.com/news/
Photos from Goa http://www.goa-world.net/fotofolio/
GoaResearchNet http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1503