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Re: Free Software Company
> : Most people want Microsoft to do well, because it is a big component
> : of the mutual funds in which their retirement savings go. Unlike India,
> You are talking from the US for the people of US, but I am talking from
> India, though not within any narrow constraints of fanatic nationalism.
> I am yet to see a person in the street here in Trivandrum who wants the
> Microsoft to fare well.
I for one don't want to see microsoft fail. True they have used
underhand practises, but they have also done vastly more to enable the
current pc (r)evolution. If there was no microsoft to you think the
average bhola ram of india could afford a macintosh or a unix
workstation, or would be able to climb the (up till now) steep linux
curve ? working in a large company I have come to the conclusion that
often the *big* decisions are made by marketing or admin droids quite
separate from the programmers who actually write the code.
So I wonder a bit at your attitude. Do you mean to say no one in
trivandrum uses m$ windows ? I wonder...
Robin S Chatterjee Yahoo pager ID -Robinchatterjee
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