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Re: Linux standards?
Met up with the sales person from BestLinux a week ago (he happened to
be a friend of a friend). He's given us
(Linux-D^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ILUG-Delhi 2 distributions, a single-cd one and
a 4-cd one. Jas of the ILUG is installing them and will be producing
a report on the distribution Real Soon Now.
-- Raju
>>>>> "Ouriel" == Grynszpan Ouriel <ourielg@xxxxxxx> writes:
>> > Is there an international organisation that makes sure that
>> what is produced > by the different LUGs follow some kind of
>> standard?
>> One just started up in finland, with their own distro. See
>> http://www.bestlinux.org
Ouriel> Whoa, I chekced this site. I wonder what their
Ouriel> distribution is like. It should be almost perfect as they
Ouriel> have people voting to select what it is made of.
Ouriel> Ouriel