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Re: Tech Stuff to LIH
Indraneel Majumdar [Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 11:44:29AM -0700]:
> Is there a color screen for pine 3.96 (which will show the reply-to: in
> red)? I'm using prehistoric pine 3.96 on an SGI but am telnetting to it
> from shiny new SuSE6.4. I shouldn't be able to do it, but still, any
> bright ideas to poke my tired eyes to see the reply-to line?
I doubt if pine 3.x supports colors at all ... I'd suggest you shift to mutt,
which is quite easy to compile - and far lighter than pine. Then you can see
all the color, and all the headers you want. ;)
Suresh Ramasubramanian + suresh@xxxxxxxxxxx
Friday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + http://kcircle.com
Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.