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Re: Tech Stuff to LIH
On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Biju Chacko wrote:
> Oy,
> There's been a recent spate of techie posts to this list. For those of
> you to posted 'em -- RTFM, fer chrissakes! This list is for
> *Non-technical* discussions only! Tech stuff to LIH.
> And those of you replying to the queries: You should know better!
> Biju
Is there a color screen for pine 3.96 (which will show the reply-to: in
red)? I'm using prehistoric pine 3.96 on an SGI but am telnetting to it
from shiny new SuSE6.4. I shouldn't be able to do it, but still, any
bright ideas to poke my tired eyes to see the reply-to line?
# Indraneel Majumdar ¡ E-mail: indraneel@xxxxxxxxxxxx #
# Bioinformatics Unit (EMBNET node), ¡ URL: http://scorpius.iwarp.com #
# Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, #
# Hyderabad, India - 500076 #