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to atul >> owner mailing lists

Hi Atul,
I am happy to know that you want to that you are
really looking forward to
nurture Indian-linux community. My suggestion for
making linux-india.org it
the Best Indian Linux Site are:
Firstly in LIH their are a lot of Q&A and some of them
really great for most
of beginners and some of the users are in habbit of
writing their sucess
stories and mailing it to others so it will be nice to
keep a Database of
how user X was able to do this thing or that, also
unnessary question can be
avoided, and why not some of these Q&A can be kept
like HOWTO's. Secoundly their should be Rating for
each Question so if some body
ask a question and he get  answers, then the user who
asked the queston
should rank it, and the best answered question to be
keep in the FAQ.
And for LIG I really like to you to keep all the
discussions coz they are
really cool for the pedants but again, I thing that
keeping all this wont be
great as it will not only for novices but also for
experts, so keeping the
track of these will be tough for u so get some ad's
and built a dedicated
team for this purpose.
thats all for now I'll be really looking forward for
your success.

logging off
(vidhan pandya)

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