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Re: suse vs zoot

On 10/08/00 11:39 -0700, vidhan pandya spewed into the LI bitstream:

> But i am little anxious but kernal zoot was 2.2.14-12
> and suse 6.3 is 2.2.13 . 
> I really dont understand what difference it gonna make
> also new version of kernal is now available
> from kernal.org which is 2.2.16 , what difference it

There are lots of patches and fixes (security, performance etc) related in new
kenels.  The 2.2.16 rpm is available at any suse ftp site (my favorite is
download.sourceforge.net /pub/suse - go to the i386/update/6.4/kernel directory
<i think> and download the new kernel rpm

install using rpm -ivh [kernel-name].rpm and then run lilo after modifying
/etc/lilo.conf to show yr new map files etc.

> makes i dono but yes it does coz i herd some 
> of linux-india.org mailing list user talking bout RHL
> kernal on suse .

I was the one ... but I dont want to try that one again :)
file paths etc (and some code optimizations etc) differ in kernel rpms of
specific distros, so not worth trying unless desperate.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + suresh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chicago, n.:
	Where the dead still vote ... early and often!