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Re: Debian: Which version to use?

>>>>> On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:09:34 +0530, Sachin Garg <sachin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> said:

    Sachin> I want to use Debian. Going to debian.org I find version
    Sachin> 2.1 which supports the 2.0.x kernel series.

Hi Sachin,
I don't think you can get debian's latest stable version ( with 2.2.x
kernel ) on CD. At least
not in India as far as I know. But maybe you can contact shanu. He
must be having a burnt CD of the latest *stable* snapshot. Or if you
have the bandwidth ( if you are in office, I for sure know you have
that :-), you can install debian 2.1 and do an apt-get upgrade of the
distro so that you have the latest snapshot. And about the
sendmail exploit, you can install postfix and leave the worries :-)
Anyway, the kernel 2.2.xx that comes with Debian 2.2 has been patched
and is *not* vulnerable.
        - Khader

P.S: Shanu, have you created the CD ?
Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                           - Linux Guy, LCC         
IBM Global Services , India
Work            --(sidgeek at austin.ibm.com), (skhader at in.ibm.com)
Play            -- 				(sid at sidcarter.com)
Debian GNU/Linux  ( Woody )                 (http://www.sidcarter.com)