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[LIH] Re: Re: Which one to learn? Gtk or Qt?

Hi Biju,

In my view it's quite clear: free, open source software will rule
tomorrow's world, so it doesn't make sense to start learning anything
which isn't (free, etc).

IMHO licensing is as important as functionality/market.

Of course, your opinion may vary.  Seems it already does :-)


-- Raju

>>>>> "Biju" == Biju Chacko <biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Biju> --- On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 Raju Mathur wrote:
    >>  >>>>> "Biju" == Biju Chacko <biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Biju> I suppose I'd have to ask: * which is easier to learn?  *
    Biju> which is technically superior (if that's a meaningful
    Biju> question)?
    >>  Doesn't matter.  Go for GTK, it has a better license than Qt.

    Biju> Raju Ol' Pal,

    Biju> Don't you think that's an Open Source equivalent of a
    Biju> Microsoftism? The downfall of commercial software began when
    Biju> commercial considerations became more important than
    Biju> technical ones. Open Source will go down the toilet the day
    Biju> license issues override technical ones.

    Biju> All other things being equal, I'll go for the software
    Biju> that's more free. But I'll *never* use software just because
    Biju> it's GPLed rather than QPLed or commercial or what have you.

    Biju> <rant> I think this is a point we all tend to forget in the
    Biju> heady rush of the OSS movement: the world of computing is
    Biju> first and foremost a *technical* domain. All other factors
    Biju> are secondary, including licensing.  </rant>

    Biju> *puts on asbestos underpants*

    Biju> Biju

    Biju> PS: Going OT, replies on LIG please.