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Re: [LIH] Re: Re: Which one to learn? Gtk or Qt?

--- Raju Mathur <raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>>> "Biju" == Biju Chacko <biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Biju> --- On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 Raju Mathur wrote:
>     >>  >>>>> "Biju" == Biju Chacko <biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Biju> I suppose I'd have to ask: * which is easier to learn?  *
>     Biju> which is technically superior (if that's a meaningful
>     Biju> question)?
>     >>  Doesn't matter.  Go for GTK, it has a better license than Qt.
>     Biju> Raju Ol' Pal,
>     Biju> Don't you think that's an Open Source equivalent of a
>     Biju> Microsoftism? The downfall of commercial software began
> when
>     Biju> commercial considerations became more important than
>     Biju> technical ones. Open Source will go down the toilet the day
>     Biju> license issues override technical ones.

> In my view it's quite clear: free, open source software will rule
> tomorrow's world, 
I agree with you on this. 

> so it doesn't make sense to start learning anything
> which isn't (free, etc).
This is debatable. As a consultant, I have an obligation to inform my
customers of all options - free and otherwise and allow him to make the
choice. And in today's world you must admit that the best tool (on
technical grounds) for a particular situation may not be free. I am not
going to keep things out of my toolbox on philosophical grounds.
Neither will I allow my beliefs to dictate my customers choice.

OSS is often compared to free speech. In intrinsic part of free speech
is the right of your opponents to air views that may be objectionable
to you. Similairly, free software stops being free the moment it (the
concept) is used to dismiss commercial software that are technically

> IMHO licensing is as important as functionality/market.
However, you seem to dismissed all other factors in this case. Qt is
*also* OSS, albeit not GPLed. 

> Of course, your opinion may vary.  Seems it already does :-)
Yep. Maybe we should just agree to disagree and go on to other matters.


Biju "Botsie" Chacko

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